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Polygalaceae MOS tube in the role of the circuit in detail

Author: Shenzhen Yuan Zhi Electronics Co., Ltd.Time:2018-03-01 17:03:27Views:2493SML

MOS English full name for the metal - oxide - semiconductor, describes the structure of the integrated circuit, that is: the semiconductor devices must be constructed with silicon dioxide and metal...
MOS English full name for the metal - oxide - semiconductor, describes the structure of the integrated circuit, that is: the semiconductor devices must be constructed with silicon dioxide and metal to form the gate. The configuration of these two types is not much difference, only the depletion-type MOS initially has a carrier in the Drain-Source channel, so even in the case of VGS is zero,
The supplier should be a high-speed, high-power, high-voltage, high-gain components. Some FETs can be source and drain AC applications, gate voltage can be positive and negative, the flexibility is better than the transistor.

The ability to work at very low current and very low voltages, and its manufacturing expertise makes it easy to integrate many FETs into a single piece of silicon, has led to the widespread use of FETs in large scale integrated circuits . Its features: high switching speed, high performance at any frequency, high input impedance, low driving power, excellent thermal stability, no secondary breakdown title, wide homework area, high homework linearity, etc. Its main interests Is able to reduce the size and weight of the component,

MOS is divided into two types, one is DepletionMOS and the other is EnhancementMOS.

MOS source and drain pipe is able to swap, are formed in the P-type backgate N-type area. MOS tube, that is, in the integrated circuit insulation FET.

Due to the high input impedance of the FET extender, the coupling capacitor can have a small capacitance and no electrolytic capacitor needs to be used. In all kinds of small and medium-power switch circuit is widely used, can be used as a variable resistor can also be used to expand.

And MOS FET high input impedance is very suitable for impedance transformation. Can easily be used as a constant current source can also be used as an electronic switch. Commonly used in multilevel extender input stage for impedance transformation. The enhanced MOS must be its VGS is greater than a specific value before adjusting conduction.

2018-03-01 2493People browsing

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