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Polygamy capacitor quality testing methods

Author: Shenzhen Yuan Zhi Electronics Co., Ltd.Time:2018-03-01 17:15:30Views:1813SML

A capacitor with good performance at the moment of power on, the multimeter\'s needles should have a larger swing; the greater the capacity of the capacitor, the greater the swing of the watch hands...
A capacitor with good performance at the moment of power on, the multimeter's needles should have a larger swing; the greater the capacity of the capacitor, the greater the swing of the watch hands, swinging, the watch hands can gradually return to zero. If the capacitor in the power of the moment, the multimeter pointer does not swing, then the capacitor failure or open circuit; if the needles have been indicating the power supply voltage without swinging, indicating that the capacitor has been punctured short circuit; if the needle swing normal, but does not return to zero , Indicating that the capacitor leakage phenomenon, the higher the indicated voltage value, indicating that the greater the leakage.

It should be pointed out that the auxiliary DC voltage used for the capacitor with small measuring capacity can not exceed the withstand voltage of the capacitor under test to avoid breakdown of the capacitor due to the measurement.
To accurately measure the capacity of the capacitor, you need to use a capacitive bridge or Q meter. The above simple test method, only a rough judge of gauge capacitor is good or bad.

1, check with a multimeter resistance file electrolytic capacitor is good or bad
Electrolytic capacitor of the two leads have positive and negative points in the check of its good or bad, the lower voltage electrolytic capacitors (6V or l0V), the resistance file should be placed R × 100 or R × 1K file, the Red pen connected to the negative terminal of the capacitor, black pen connected to the positive end, then the multimeter pointer will swing, and then restored to zero or zero near. Such electrolytic capacitors are good. The larger the capacity of the electrolytic capacitor, the longer the charging time, the slower the pointer swings.

2, with a multimeter to determine the positive and negative lead electrolytic capacitors
Some electrolytic capacitors with lower withstand voltage, if the positive and negative lead marks are unclear, can be judged according to its positive connection when the leakage current is small (large resistance value) and the reverse leakage current is large. The specific method is: contact with the red and black pens of the two leads of the capacitor, remember the size of the leakage current (resistance) (pointer swing back and stop when the indicated resistance), and then the capacitor positive and negative leads short Then, the red, black test leads and then measure the leakage current. Judging by the indication of small leakage current, the lead wire contacting the black test lead is the positive end of the electrolytic capacitor. This method of leakage current itself is small electrolytic capacitor, it is more difficult to distinguish the polarity.

3, check the variable capacitor with a multimeter
The variable capacitor has a set of stator and a set of rotor. With a multimeter resistance file can check it move, whether there is a touch between the films, with red and black pens, respectively, then the film and fixed film, rotating shaft, the meter pointer does not move, indicating that there is no short circuit between the fixed film Touch the film); If the pointer swing, indicating a short circuit capacitor.

4, with a multimeter resistor profile roughly identify the capacity of 5000PF capacitor is good or bad
With a multimeter resistance profile can be roughly identified 5000PF capacitor is good or bad (5000PF the following can only determine whether the breakdown of the capacitor inside). Check the resistance range on the range of high value, the two pens were in contact with both ends of the capacitor, then the pointer quickly swing about and then restore the reverse connection, swing amplitude greater than before, and then recovered. Such a capacitor is good. The larger the capacity of the capacitor, the larger the gauge pointer swing when measuring, the longer the pointer recovery time, we can compare the size of the two capacitor capacity according to the size of the meter pointer swing.

2018-03-01 1813People browsing

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